We got in and checked into our rooms. We weren't ready to register so we took sometime to see a little of the city and have some fun.
We got a chance to see a little bit of the differences between our city and this one and we got a chance to talk to a few locals.
The first thing we did as a MYLE group was to attend worship. Ashley, Allesha, and Marissa were all helping with worship as offering collectors and communion assistants. We were all given musical instruments for the MYLE worship services this week.
That night we had a cultural celebration. We shared foods from various areas and enjoyed performances from groups. We also got to catch up with another familiar face.
Today we'll be worshiping and attending more workshops. It should be a really great day!!
We are all missing you - hope you have a blessed week ! All the best - Pastor Bob
Is that Pastor Dabee? What' he trying 2 do reclaim his youth! Hey wait 4 me! LOL Sharon
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