Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Funny the Way it is

From Tuesday:

Today has not sat well with me. Our group had a rather odd moment in our "ethinic cacus." Admittedly, a lot of it had to do with miscommunication and poor vocalization but the experience unfolded into a much larger issue about our group's ethnic classification. What I have to say about the situation is this: the act of physically seperating teenagers by only 7 ethic classifications is not necessarily the right way to approach multicultural unification,
especially when I feel that I did not fit into any specific box of classification. The way I see it, race is a label created by humans whereas God has no labels for us.

The issue was pressing enough to have a few group discussions, one of them with a MYLE chaplain. There was all this talk about this kind of ethnic classification just being the way things are, but when you think about it, that's not any way to make the situation any better.

Progress is good. Accepting we have a flawed system and just living with it is not. I realize as I am writing this now how ambigious this all might seem. Just to clarify, there were issues in being eligible to vote in the "mulit-ethic" caucus as we were technically not multi-ethnic. But this is how the ELCA identifies our group rather than "other," which might have been a lacking classification but is more fitting. My question is why does all this labeling exist if we are
all equal unseparated members of one family in God's eyes?

Everything else today went swell.

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