Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Trip Continues

Dear Church,

I had a cool day. We ended MYLE and I really didn't want it to end. I really loved learning about the different races. After we ended MYLE we went to the convention center where thy had games and other fun and interesting activities. It was very interesting to hear how we could help buy affordable houses for people who were homeless or living in bad conditions. After the convention center we went to the youth gathering opening worship and it was really huge. I had a lot of fun with the music and songs. Finally we went to a fun dance party that was very funny.

In the middle of the party, I got a message from Shawn (Mark's brother and my cousin) telling me to tell everyone we miss him and all of our family and to blog about just how much we miss them. So, we miss you Shawn.

Love, Janeane

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