Saturday, July 25, 2009

Servant Life Day

Today we woke up at 5:00 AM in order to be on time for the bus to do our servant life projects. It was a 45 minutes bus ride, so we got to catch up on a little bit of sleep on our way.

As we arrived in the Covington area we were greeted by the city Mayor. Our project was to clear sidewalks which was covered with wild vines and bushes and dirt. My job included cutting trees, pulling out weeds and vines, raking leaves and shoveling dirt that covered the sidewalk. We worked from around 8:30AM to 1:30PM but had half hour lunch break and other water breaks when we needed.

I was really excited to do community service work, helping the people and making a difference.

We ended the day at the superdome with an amazing service which included inspiring speakers that told their stories of hardships and not being able to fit in. We also got to see the band "Skillet" performed for the first time. The crowds went crazy, it was totally amazing!

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