Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MYLE, up close and personal

It's hard to get to know 900 people, especially when you're 17 and trying to look cool and composed, but have no fear readers, I am slowly getting there We met on three different sessions of smaller groups today, the one I enjoy the most being the pannel. I served on as a member of an inter-faith family. About 20 of the people chose to come in and listen to our stories. Some of them about our struggles with faith and others about their joys. I was thankful for the genuine interest and curiosity of all who came. What I appreciated most was being able to listen to the stories of my fellow pannelists, who belonged to interfaith families that ranged from Muslim to Buddhist. At the end if our discussion, the panelists took questions from the audience. Some of them were terribly personal, but it was good because I know all of us were pushed to think a little deeper about our faith.

I also can't forget to mention the mega dance party (yay!) that took place for two hours tonight. Armed with our dancing shoes, we hit the dance floor. And amidst the hordes of awkward dancing and break dancing circles, I could feel a larger sense of continuity forming, and it was good.

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